Welcome to My Website
Hi, I’m Jimi, a self-taught musician who has been playing music for as long as I can remember. My journey began at the age of 13 when I picked up the drums, and over the years, I played in various bands across different genres. By the time I was 17, I started teaching myself guitar, playing along to my favorite records. Despite being too shy to sing in front of others, I would often lock myself away, singing to myself in private. It wasn't until I formed a duo with a friend that I began to gain the confidence to perform in public, sparking a true passion for singing and playing guitar.
For years, I struggled to write my own music, as I was always trying too hard to write the “perfect song.” But with time, I began to let go of that pressure and allowed my creativity to flow more freely.
At 30, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a diagnosis that would change my life in ways I never expected. Accepting it was difficult, but over time, I learned to manage it the best I could, taking the prescribed medications and working closely with my doctors. While I never experienced depression as a major issue, it was the mania that lingered with me, and for a while, I found a strange comfort in it. But soon, the mania became uncontrollable, and my anxiety would often lead to anger and frustration, causing me to hurt the people I loved most. It was like living as two different people, a constant battle inside myself.
Then came the depression. For the first time, I experienced the rapid shift from mania to deep, unrelenting lows, and I didn’t know how to cope. The wrong medication only worsened the situation, and I found myself spiraling downward, unable to see a way out. 2019 was the hardest year of my life—each time I climbed higher, the fall became more painful, and the help I needed wasn’t there. I was let down by the mental health system, and the feeling of being unheard pushed me to the edge. For weeks, suicide seemed like the only option.
But there was still hope. My two young children, who had always kept me grounded in the past, were no longer there in my mind, and for the first time, I truly felt alone. It was terrifying, but with the support of some incredible family and friends, I began to heal. I'm now on the right medication, and I have regular reviews with my doctors and psychiatrist. Although I feel better now, I know I can never take that support for granted. I never want to go back to that dark place again.
Through it all, music has been my therapy. Writing songs has allowed me to process my emotions, whether I’m feeling down or facing a tough situation. Over the years, I’ve written many songs about my struggles with bipolar disorder, alcohol, and the loss of loved ones.
If my music and my story can help even one person struggling with mental health, I’ll be happy. But my hope is that my journey can reach many more, offering comfort and reassurance that you’re never alone.
We do not have to suffer in silence, and there are people who WILL listen.
It’s okay not to be okay.